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Minggu, 19 Agustus 2007

Hair Loss Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment for Hair Loss- A Low Cost Therapy?
by Yuyun

Hair loss is considered to be a dreadful condition among all kinds of people. The main cause for hair loss varies from heredity to nutritional deficiency. Other factors that can increase hair loss are stress, drug abuse or alcohol abuse, diet and scalp disorders. At first thinning of hair is noticed in the crown, which is a normal process of ageing.

To improve one’s hair, a lot of people now rely on laser treatment. Laser treatment is used in many places to improve the appearance of hair. Most people suffering from hair loss are pleased by the results of laser treatment.

Although laser treatment for hair loss is available in many areas, the dermatologists are still in dilemma whether it is safe or not. Laser treatment for hair loss is generally performed in exclusive hair clinics. In these clinics they are having large laser devices, which require at least some sittings per month. Hence the use of laser treatment for hair loss is questionable.

Hair transplantation can be performed if the laser treatment for hair loss does not show results. In the male pattern baldness, hair transplantation can be performed. Hair loss due to accidents and operations can also be transplanted.

In order to reduce the cost of laser treatment for hair loss, a modern comb called laser comb is used to treat the hair loss condition. The main advantage of laser comb is that it saves money on laser treatments. Laser comb is the modified laser treatment for hair loss. This is the home version and low expense product when compared to Cosmetic Laser Devices. The laser treatment in hair clinics may cost hundreds of dollars for one sitting. But Laser comb is not expensive and approved by FDA as a cosmetic device for thickening hair appearance. Laser comb can be used as a laser treatment for hair loss in combination with a normal treatment regimen.

Although laser comb is approved by the FDA for the purpose of hair thickening, now the FDA is conducting numerous trials giving approval for hair growth stimulation. Laser light therapy is being used for anti inflammatory effects and wound healing on the skin.

Laser comb utilizes low level laser therapy (LLLT), which emits photo energy. Low-level laser treatment of hair loss is painless and non-toxic.

By using laser comb, you can achieve healthier, fuller, thicker hair. Normally men can’t take their eyes off you, but now women won’t!

Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Hair Loss Vitamins

How to use Hair Loss Vitamins?
by Yuyun

Hair loss is a vital problem faced by millions of people all over the world no matter of age or sex. People who are interacting with other people and have a job related to customer care very often have a bigger problem with losing hair or baldness. Although there are numerous causes for hair loss, dietary insufficiency is found to be a major one. Especially a deficiency in B vitamins- especially B6, inositol, Biotin, and folic acid can resutl in hair loss. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid) and B3 (Niacin) are required for the growth of hair follicle.

In order to cure hair loss, vitamin supplement intake should be performed carefully. Research shows that excessive intake of vitamin B6 in most cases results in stimulated hair growth. In most cases deficiency in folic acid causes complete baldness.

The main function of Vitamin E is to transport oxygen in the blood and improves the scalp circulation. Vitamin E will enhance the immune function and thereby the hair health gets improved. So we can say Vitamin E is another hair loss vitamin. Vitamin E can be consumed @ 400 IU daily.

We can call vitamin C also as hair loss vitamin since it improves circulation of the scalp and maintains all capillaries, which carry blood to the follicles. This vitamin may be consumed 5,000 mg daily.

Other hair loss vitamins are Biotin, Inositol, and B-Vitamins. Biotin maintains the health of the hair. You should eat plenty of food to prevent hair loss due to biotin deficiency. You can also consume 50 mg of Biotin twice daily through food. The following food contains a lot of biotin: bulgur, green peas, lentils, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, oats, bulgur, Brewer’s yeast and brown rice. Inositol is also considered a hair loss vitamin. To stimulate hair growth you should consume100 mg twice daily.

A deficiency of vitamin A may also be the cause of hair loss. Once the intake of Vitamin A is stabilized, the hair loss may be stopped.

For better growth of hairs, B vitamins are necessary. Among the B vitamins, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) are termed as hair loss vitamins. B vitamins are rich in food like bran, nuts, eggs, soybeans, cauliflower, carrots, peas, and beans. Intake of these vitamins will help to improve quality, texture, and growth of hair.

Keyword: Hair Loss Vitamins, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5